The DC music blog and podcast HOMETOWN SOUNDS premiered my debut music video on their site today.
Here’s what they had to say:
Journalist and frequent We Love DC contributor Rachel Levitin has honed her singer-songwriter chops over the last few years through frequent appearances with Justin Trawick’s We Are The 9 showcase. Her new single “Secret’s Safe” debuted on last week’s episode of Justin’s podcast The Circus Life and released just a couple of days ago on Amazon and iTunes.
Since we are such fans of music videos, Hometown Sounds snagged the opportunity to premiere the music video for “Secret’s Safe”. The song was inspired by a beach trip to Kitty Hawk NC, so director Mike Shubbuck took Rachel and his camera to the beach at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis. Rachel says, “I was at a bachelorette party Saturday night but woke up bright and early at around 3:45 AM to get cleaned up and picked up by Mike before driving to Annapolis. By the time we got there at about 5:45, 15 minutes before the park’s scheduled opening time, there was a line of cars at least 10 deep waiting to get into the park. We were a little shocked by it was one of the last weekends of the summer so that made sense. Once we got through the line, we just started shooting along the shore line with the rising sun behind me. Mike got all the great views as the pinkish-red orb in the sky came up along the blue sky and water line while I was looking at the Bay Bridge or kids playing in the sand. One of my favorite parts of the shoot was that kids who were playing by their parents stopped for a good 15 minutes and listened to me perform the song a few times.”
Rachel Levitin’s debut 7 song EP, produced by Dave Mallen of Innovation Station Music and Metro Music Source, is due for release in early 2015.
Check out their site HERE